Articles in the Software category

  1. Django, Celery and Python’s dataclass Gotchas

    When switching a Python codebase to use the dataclasses feature, added in Python 3.7, I ran into an unexpected issue when running code with Django: dates were not updating.

    It was actually a little more general than that: entire objects were not updating: some object variables might have contents from the current day’s run, others might have values that were set on the day the current instance of Django was started. When running … read more.

  2. Hot Take: Assessing the AI Job Market

    I’ve long been interested in Artifical Intelligence, going back to David M. Skapura’s 1996 book, (Amazon helpfully tells me I bought the book a few days after I finished high school). I read it, but with no code samples, I was too inexperienced to turn the algorithms and theory into anything useful. When I started university a few months later, I didn’t pursue the mystical arts … read more.

  3. Manually Wrangling Unicode in Perl

    The best advice I can give about Unicode and UTF-8 in Perl is: don’t worry about it. Just do what you need to do, read up on some basics, and it’ll mostly all work out. When you’re getting odd results, make sure your I/O is UTF-8, and perhaps sprinkle a “use utf8;” at the top of your source files.

    And most of the time, this is just fine. Perl … read more.

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